Because it is extremely difficult for them to remain their core selves as they can absorb into other people's personalities so well, they camouflage. INFJ is the most misjudged type of all the 16 personality types. A lot depends on the surroundings they are currently in at the moment.
Also, they are introverts with a relatively high socializing threshold which drains them very often. INTPs and INTJs do not make social appearances much, because they don't want to and they have a sort of 'deal-with-it' air about them. INFJs and INFPs are people-pleasers, meaning they will make social appearances even if it is severely uncomfortable for them, just to keep others happy (harmony-seekers).
Add to this, the problems of being a perfectionist empath in today's world, the cravings for a psychological connection to even begin to develop a physical comfort level, and anxiety about time and perfect organisation in even mundane tasks, and you have the perfect recipe for doom.
The INFJ's reluctance to let go of the 'plan' (J function) and the constant need for closure, despite being an intuitive feeler, can sometimes get the better of them, making the type toxic to its own self. They may doorslam under stress and become unhealthy for themselves and the people who are too close to them. In extreme cases, this also constraints their creative thought process.
It's not easy to INFJ. :P